Experts in water
We pioneer innovative thinking to deliver you consistent and sustainable results

Legionella Control

Boiler and Cooling Services

Aquatic Services

Who we are
SAS Water Solutions is a 100% Australian owned and operated SME with offices based in Sydney, Canberra and Queensland.
We pride ourselves on delivering unparalleled service to our customers and are committed to providing risk-free, high quality water treatment solutions that not only protect our customers, our community but also our planet’s precious water resources.
Watch out for these
common water-based pests!
- Legionella pneumophilia
- Escherichia coli
- Heterotrophic Plate Count
- Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
- Faecal Coliforms

What we do
Our combined team experience means that we can help with resource-based projects as well as deliver operational solutions and ongoing facility maintenance.
Our expert team of highly trained water treatment technicians identify how to sustainably improve efficiencies and procedures in your water system, which in turn saves valuable drinking water and energy, and improves the longevity of your asset.
We are always informed by the most advanced chemistry, the most compliant practices and the latest available technology. Armed with the latest smartphones, laptops, the latest analytic equipment and water testing photometers, our technicians provide reliable real-time testing accuracy from calibrated equipment requiring less operator inputs.
In-house expertise
Our field staff are supported by SAS’s substantial in-house expertise in all facets of water treatment, including:
- Water quality, microbiological and chemical analysis expertise.
- An Engineering Design group with extensive experience in the design, construction and the operation of water treatment equipment.
- An Engineering Services team that provides operation and maintenance support to many Government and industry organisations. This team also has significant installation and commissioning expertise.
An integrated approach to water

How we do it
SAS’s integrated approach to assessing your water system means we will provide the most efficient and cost-effective water treatment solution for you. When analysing your systems we assess a multitude of options to develop a cost-effective, efficient, and sustainable solution for you, our client. Our number one priority is protecting your assets and we do this through a combination of chemical, mechanical and biological options.
We are not a chemical manufacturer that requires throughput of chemicals to keep the business running. Our focus is always on delivering the most cost-effective and efficient solution to protect your assets, not a solution that protects our bottom-line.
The systems we look after are dynamic in nature and there is not a one size fits all approach. Does your current water treatment provider do this? If not, it’s time to give SAS a call for a second opinion?
CRM game changer
SAS has developed its own proprietary and tailored in-house Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software systems – specifically for the water treatment industry – to manage, control and utilise client service needs.

Always doing better
We strive to continually improve our work flow processes, ensuring we implement the most effective water management programs that produce exceptional performance results focused on:
- Customer needs and regulatory
compliance management. - Risk management and Workplace
Health & Safety. - Microbiological growth and Legionella
control management. - Asset and system failure protection
(corrosion, scale, fouling). - Promoting energy and water optimisation.
- Chemical optimisation.
- Environmental protection and sustainability.
Monthly asset reports
SAS will maintain service records throughout the contract term using our in-house developed Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. Each water asset will have their own asset number within our CRM system and a monthly report will be produced for each asset in a combined Monthly Asset Report.
This report will clearly state:
- Any Workplace Health & Safety matters,
including identified hazards. - Any water treatment noncompliance results,
and our subsequent actions. - Details of additional and/or emergency call outs.
- Any recommendations for other works deemed
necessary for future compliance.